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Best Music Video
Trophy and $250

All songs entered in the other categories which are submitted as a video are automatically included in this category.
Videos do not count as a separate entry, ie artists can enter up to six songs in other categories, max three in any one category!

It also means that one song could win two awards!
(One for the category it was submitted in, and one for best music video.)

There are two songs entered just as an entry for Best Music Video, straight cover versions which do not fit into any other category!

Both have been entered by Rewind2Play

This a music video of a Madonna song, 'Hanky Panky' by Rewind2Play, shot on location at Encore

Song V1: 'Hanky Panky'. Covered by Rewind2Play. View on YouTube

This a music video of a Monkees song, 'Last Train to Clarksville'

Song V2: 'Last Train to Clarksville'. Covered by Rewind2Play. View on YouTube

Rockingham Song Contest Sponsors

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